Inger er fremdeles svigerinna mi, og i tillegg til at hun er søt & snill, er hun også glad i å sy. Det er bare det at hun ikke har så mye tid til denslags nå, fordi hun har så mye annet å henge fingrene i. Derfor tenkte jeg at hun kunne få en liten bok til bursdagen sin, der hun kan samle noen av sine løse tråder :) Hun er nemlig flink til å ta vare på små ting som betyr noe; dikt, tegninger, bilder, utklipp... sånne ting. Jeg fikk idéen til dette da jeg så dette flotte stempelet, som jeg har lånt av Turid på Penelope - tusen takk!
I've decorated a little album for Inger, my sister-in-law, using Laura's sketch at 2Sketches4You. Inger likes sewing, but she seldom has time to comfort herself with quilting at the time. Therefore I made a book where she can gather up some of her loose threads; pictures, poems, drawings, cuttings... that kind of stuff :) I got the idea as I found this Penny Black stamp, and this book is definately for a girl, so I think I'll join in for the PB challenge this week as well. And finally - ta'daaa - there's a new challenge I was SO happy to find as I visited my friend Dawn; Basic Grey Challenge! I use BG papers a lot, and at this one the 'Stella Ruby' paper was just perfect. This first week the challenge is to use buttons! How suitable :)
I've decorated a little album for Inger, my sister-in-law, using Laura's sketch at 2Sketches4You. Inger likes sewing, but she seldom has time to comfort herself with quilting at the time. Therefore I made a book where she can gather up some of her loose threads; pictures, poems, drawings, cuttings... that kind of stuff :) I got the idea as I found this Penny Black stamp, and this book is definately for a girl, so I think I'll join in for the PB challenge this week as well. And finally - ta'daaa - there's a new challenge I was SO happy to find as I visited my friend Dawn; Basic Grey Challenge! I use BG papers a lot, and at this one the 'Stella Ruby' paper was just perfect. This first week the challenge is to use buttons! How suitable :)

It's a gorgeous stamp! At the one side there's a little mouse throwing buttons down, just like small kids love to do in a period of their childhood :)

38 kommentarer:
Å fy fader for en super idé og sååååå mange herlige detaljer. Har kikka om og om og om igjen og ser stadig nye herligeheter. Suverent asså. Tipper Inger blir superglad for denne.
Ha en strålende dag videre!
God klem
Oh holy moly... For et vakkert album og for en herlig idè!!! Spesielt for folk som liker å samle på små ting!!!
Nydelig utført i vakre farger og herlige detaljer!!!
Og så det bringebær kortet dittt då å ramle av stolen av!!!
Ikkje rart du er blitt kursholder, jente!!! Gratulerer med den jobben!
For en nydelig bok Hanne! Og for en utrolig fin idè, det blir nok svigerinna di kjempeglad for. Stempelet var bare helt skjønt;)
Håper du har en fin dag!:)
Kjempelekker bok Hanne, og for en nydelig bok å få da:)
Klem fra Lene
This is adorable. I love that stamp so much and it is perfect for this project. So sweet!
Så fantastisk dette var Hanne (gjentar meg visst selv veldig ofte her inne men det er jo bare sant da.....) FOR et nydelig stempel det der var og så utrolig artig med de knappene som ble kastet ned-det fikk meg til å smile STORT!!!! Fantastisk jobba vennen - kan ikke få sagt det nok hvor flink du er egentlig!
Kjempeklem fra Heidi som straks skal avgårde på jobb
Fantastic Hanne, such a lot of detail.
gorgeous stamp, just perfect for your sister-in-law.
hugs rachxx
Utrolig stilig!!!
Regner med hun ikke har noen løse tråder lengre! Du er bare så flink, Hanne!!!
Og det stempelet er jo kjempeflott!
what a stunning piece of work - truly a work of art and thank you so much for sharing it with us on PBSC this week - look forward to seeing your fabulous work again
This is just stunning Hanne, Your SIL is going to just adore your gorgeous book, So much wonderful detail and such a cute and perfect stamp, Hugs, Nikki x
Ypu are so talented! I love this, and those little mice darling:)
Woohoo, what a very lovely card. Great job with all those buttons, mice and hanging things.
Herremegdussen for et kunstverk, Hanne!!! Fullpakket av lekre detaljer, helt utrolig. Likte også stempelet, det var jo bare nusselig!
Kjekk sønn du har da ;o)
Åååå Hanne! Du overrasker hver eneste gang du poster noe!
For et nydelig mesterverk du har laget. Og denne sømmen på motivet er jo bare brilliant! Og alt matcher så bra. Og dette søte musestempelet er jo PERFEKT til en slik gave!
Og oi oi oi, jeg vet ikke hva mer jeg skal si om mesterverket!
Ha en flott ettermiddag og kveld.
Jeg skal ut og fjellgeite meg i dag igjen!
Klem fra mig;)
Hei Hanne. Jeg er glad i deg.
Så herlig liten album, Hanne :)
Å ikkje minst en fin tanke :)
Oh Hanne this is so pretty and all the details are gorgeous. I love the PB image...I was given this stamp by a friend but have never had any ideas how to use have given me lots of inspiration. Debbie x
Åhhhh Hanne,du må være verdens beste svigerinne!
For en gave å få!!
Her var det masse godis å se på,og hele tiden ser man noen nye herligheter!
Nyydelig motiv,som du virkelig har fått frem!
Du er dyktig *bølgen*
Klemmer fra Maya
WOW! your card is absolutely stunning, love every details on this card...very cool!
A truly stunning card with a fantastic eye to the tiniest detail. Thank you for joining us in our first challenge. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Jo x
So much work Hanne - it is beautiful!
That's adorable. Love the little mice stamp.
WOW -- this is amazing --
Fantastic Job -- :)
wow! how fabulous is this, beautiful details, must have taken you hours...brilliant image, so beautifully coloured, your SIL is gonna just love it, great work
hugs from your friend
lv Gill x
Han steike så fint...Så masse artige detaljer.
Altså det er nå bra merkelig... må liksom innom din side nesten vær dag....
For å følge med om det noe nytt.. MEN også for å høre musikk... Så nå står volumet maks...
Ang stempel... bare sendt og du skal få masse kort tilbake (";)..
Klmez fra Hannemor
This is so beautiful, I love the images you cute!
Hanne, this is great!! I was looking at it earlier, before I spotted that it was for the BG Challenge! :o) We're honoured to have you join us for the first challenge! I hope you'll be back with us again soon. :o)
Chris xx
Wow........ Hanne
your card is so beautiful!!!
I love all details and colouring!
Hugs Gisela
A little piece of art, a truely wonderful card.
Mrs Wonka x
This is sooo beautiful,all the details are amazing!!! :o)x
Så nydelig stempel! Utrolig bra komposisjon! Mange fine kort i bloggen!
Moro å se flere nord trøndere:-)
Oh Hanne this is my favorite cute stamp. You inspire me. Really lovely design. Love this again. Hugs.
Hanne this card is so beautiful, there is so much to look at!
Oh WOW!!!. This is adorable!!! You are a great artist my friend. The coloring is just amazing all those buttons and charms are spectacular... WOW... This is just superb!
Love you,
Your card is so adorable!!!
Wow What a stunning card. Very thoughtful. This truly is a work of art, you are very talented. Hope you'll join in the next challenge.
Love Debbie xx
Absolutely wonderful hanne - wow what a cute cute stamp!
such amazing details too!
Hope you are having a nice day!
These little guys are so adorable and the card is gorgeous, loving everything!!
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